Diphthongs are a combination of two vowels from the same syllable.
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Via - je
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Tenemos 14 diferentes tipos de diptongos
We have 14 types of diphthongs
Diptongo creciente (rising diphthongs)
Diptongo decreciente (falling diphthongs)
Mismo grupo vocálico (same vowel type)
I have a question for you
About the word: Maíz (corn)
Is there a diphthong?
La respuesta es NO, ya que "maíz" se divide en dos sílabas.
the answer is NO, because "maíz" is separated by two syllables
La palabra "maíz" es un hiato, estos son un conjunto de vocales en sílabas separadas. Recuerden, los diptongos se encuentran en la misma sílaba.
"Maíz" (corn) is a hiato, a combination of vowels from different syllables. Remember, diphthongs are from the same syllable.
Ma - iz
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